◆◆ Chit Chat Stay vol.45 ~たこ焼き~ ◆◆
Chit Chat Stay名物となった?たこ焼きPARTY❤️
寒い季節ですが、ステイのスタッフはみなさんを暖かく迎 えます。
担当: 高橋
◆◆ Chit Chat Stay vol.45 ~Takoyaki~ ◆◆
First Chit Chat Stay of December is Takoyaki❤️
I know you love it…
You can enjoy making, eating and chatting ?
We are warmly welcoming youuuuuuu!!!!!! Feel free to join us❤️
Date: 6th Dec (Wed)
Time: 19:00-22:00
Entry fee: 500yen
Organiser: Sayaka
*Everyone can join our event !!!!!
*누구든 참여 가능한 이벤트 입니다 !!!!!
◆◆ “Chit Chat Stay”とは ◆◆
“”” お し ゃ べ り “””をしようというコンセプトです!
お酒のんでもいいし、オレンジジュースで酔っ払ってもい いし、
その回ごとに人数の規模・国籍・メニューは全く異なりま すし、
わたしたちのその瞬間までどんな回になるかわかりません !笑
遂行最低人数があります!当日18時までに人数が集まら なかったら中止です!なので参加する方はこのページにm essageをするか、イベントページにコメントを残し てください!
せっかく来てくれたのに「え!今日は中止になっちゃった んです!」は悲しすぎます(T_T)
◆◆ What’s “Chit Chat Stay”? ◆◆
In a nutshell
We will be holding a super duper one coin event!
In truth, since opening in April 2015, we have held this event many, many times
We just kept the events between guests, a secret if you will. A tiny secret, which we never shared with anyone in the outside world. UNTIL NOW!!!! <cue evil laughter, mwah ha haa>. Now we have hatched a plan to bring both guests and local people together, at the same time, at the same place!
So let me tell you one more time
We will be holding a super duper, extra amazing event!
Our events are simple. Sample the beautiful food of Japan (Sushi, Nabe, Takoyaki etc). Drink (A couple of beers or lots of Orange Juice). Talking with other like minded people. Come and go as you please, whether you join us at the start or the end, but be sure to show your face!
An open heart, an open mind
Japanese staff always come to these events
So if you’re wondering what kind of people work here
But are afraid because you do not speak English
Then fear not, join us
All you need to do is to take the first step and join in ♪
Each time different people, nationalities and food are shared, but one thing is always the same. . . The laughter and fun times that come around.
To avoid disappointment, please make sure to join our event as soon as possible. In the unfortunate event that we do not have enough people taking part the event maybe canceled. Be sure to leave a message on our event page.
We have yet to cancel an event so lets not make this event an event we have to cancel. No pressure!!
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◆◆ December event schedule ◆◆
8日 Chit Chat Stay vol.46
13日 Chit Chat Stay vol.47
17日 日本酒ナイト Japanese sake night?
25日 Stay’s Christmas Party??
31日 年越し・・・??
担当: 高橋
◆◆ Chit Chat Stay vol.45 ~Takoyaki~ ◆◆
First Chit Chat Stay of December is Takoyaki❤️
I know you love it…
You can enjoy making, eating and chatting ?
We are warmly welcoming youuuuuuu!!!!!! Feel free to join us❤️
Date: 6th Dec (Wed)
Time: 19:00-22:00
Entry fee: 500yen
Organiser: Sayaka
*Everyone can join our event !!!!!
*누구든 참여 가능한 이벤트 입니다 !!!!!
◆◆ “Chit Chat Stay”とは ◆◆
“”” お し ゃ べ り “””をしようというコンセプトです!
◆◆ What’s “Chit Chat Stay”? ◆◆
In a nutshell
We will be holding a super duper one coin event!
In truth, since opening in April 2015, we have held this event many, many times
We just kept the events between guests, a secret if you will. A tiny secret, which we never shared with anyone in the outside world. UNTIL NOW!!!! <cue evil laughter, mwah ha haa>. Now we have hatched a plan to bring both guests and local people together, at the same time, at the same place!
So let me tell you one more time
We will be holding a super duper, extra amazing event!
Our events are simple. Sample the beautiful food of Japan (Sushi, Nabe, Takoyaki etc). Drink (A couple of beers or lots of Orange Juice). Talking with other like minded people. Come and go as you please, whether you join us at the start or the end, but be sure to show your face!
An open heart, an open mind
Japanese staff always come to these events
So if you’re wondering what kind of people work here
But are afraid because you do not speak English
Then fear not, join us
All you need to do is to take the first step and join in ♪
Each time different people, nationalities and food are shared, but one thing is always the same. . . The laughter and fun times that come around.
To avoid disappointment, please make sure to join our event as soon as possible. In the unfortunate event that we do not have enough people taking part the event maybe canceled. Be sure to leave a message on our event page.
We have yet to cancel an event so lets not make this event an event we have to cancel. No pressure!!
◆◆ December event schedule ◆◆
8日 Chit Chat Stay vol.46
13日 Chit Chat Stay vol.47
17日 日本酒ナイト Japanese sake night?
25日 Stay’s Christmas Party??
31日 年越し・・・??