
こんにちは? すっかりお客さんロスです。GWが終わり、お客さんも・・・??? みんな~~~~!!!泊まりにきて~~~!!!!! Hello! The Golden Week is over and we don't have many guests anymore........ ? Where are you!?!?!? Come back to see us soon!!!!!! M...

札幌に旅行に来ませんか?☺️✨ Come travel to Sapporo:)

こんにちは☺️✨ お久しぶりです。スタッフの土川です。 札幌は桜満開でようやく春が訪れました☺️? Hi. I am Marina from the stay’s hostel.  Spring is finally here in Sapporo and it’s getting warm and customers go out more because of great weathe...