
Hi there! This is Keita!
Seems like finally summer came in Hokkaido.
So, today’s topic is going to be about the remote island called “Teuri”


天売島は羽幌港から西に約30キロ離れた日本海に浮かぶ島です。 海鳥の繁殖地としてとても有名で、国の鳥獣保護区として指定されています。 また人口は約300人程度しかいなく、島の周囲は12キロほどで自転車をレンタルして1時間半ほどで島を一周出来ます!
“Teuri” island is the remote island 30km away from Haboro harbor, which is national park area for aiming to preserve all kind of see bird’s breeding area. In addition, population of this island is only about 300 people and 12km round that takes only one and half hour to circle a whole island by bicycle.

You might see some snakes in this island. But now you must be wondering how hell these snake made it to get there? They were accidentally brought when some of setters replants tree. Be careful not to step on a snake.


まず、札幌から羽幌港に向かうには札幌駅前ターミナルから岸バス「特急はぼろ号」で羽幌まで向かいます。羽幌まで三時間ぐらいで、往復券なら7610円です。また基本的にバスは予約制です。 バスターミナルに着いたら今度は羽幌港連絡バスに乗りましょう! そして高速フェリーに乗り換え、1時間ぐらい波に揺られるとすぐに天売島の隣の島「焼尻島」に着くので、降りずに目的地である天売島まで待ちましょう。 そしてもう30分ぐらいで天売港到着です!
At first, you will need to take express bus bound for Haboro from Sapporo Station Terminal. It takes around three hours to arrive there. But be notice, all seat need to be reserved before getting on the bus. The bus fare is 7610 JPY for round trip. Then after off to long bus trip, get the bus to Haboro Harbor and get on express ferry to “Turi” island. After spending one hour on ferry, you will be soon arrive at “Yagishiri” island, but don’t get off on ferry. Please be patient for more a half hour and you will soon see the beautiful bird island.


This island is really tiny. You might need microscope to see it on the map lol. There is another island called “Yagishiri” 7km to east from “Teuri” island. Depending on the condition of weather, you can see “Yagishiri” island and main land from there.


天売島にはウミガラス、ヒメウなどの国内での絶滅が危惧されている貴重な鳥が数多く生息しておりバードウォッチングが主要なアクティビティになります。 また夕方になって一斉に巣に戻ってくる約80万羽ともいわれるウトウの姿がとても圧巻です!! シーズンはウトウの繁殖期間である5月〜7月ぐらいがおすすめです。 バードウォッチングが好きな方には是非オススメしたい場所です!!
One of the most popular activities in this island is a bird watching. As I mentioned, this island are best place for bird’s breeding location. There is a chance to watch a variety of very rare bird is about to be extinct now. But especially the scene of more than 800 thousands of birds called “Uto” going back to their nest all together is really outstanding. Those activities are expected around May to July. I really recommend you to go over there if you like watching birds!!

Unlike most of see birds are likely to be nesting on a cliff, their nests are underground base. Those holes are easily found everywhere this island.

They usually come back with having lots of fish to feed their children at nightfall.


行くのは大変な天売島ですが、その苦労に見合ったものが体験できる島だと思います! 最近になって空き家を再利用したゲストハウスなどもオープンして、一層賑やかさを増しました。 もし機会があれば是非訪れたい場所です!
I know it’s little bit hard to get there but it’s really worth to go! In recent, first guest’s house in this island has been opened since last year. That gives us more opportunity to explore and it is time to step out on the beautiful island!!! Thank you



THE STAY SAPPOROへのご予約はこちらから。